Dresdner Bank: Incorporating Risk into Corporate Strategy

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Case Details:
Case Code : BSTA098
Case Length : 15 Pages
Period : 2004
Organization : Dresdner Bank
Pub Date : 2004
Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : Germany
Industry : Banking
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Please note:
This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Excerpts Contd...
Liquidity Risks
Liquidity risk was the possibility that Dresdner might not be able to meet its current and future payment obligations in full or on time. In the case of a liquidity crisis, refinancing might only be possible at higher market rates (funding risk), or assets might have to be liquidated at a discount to the market rates (market liquidity risk)...
Operational Risks
Operational risks arose during the course of business due to inadequacies or failures in processes, or controls, and might be due to technology, staff, organizational structures, or external factors. A separate unit within Corporate Centre Risk Control was responsible for managing operational risks...
Other Risks
Dresdner defined business risks as unexpected fluctuations in financial performance that arose when expenses could not be reduced in line with a decline in earnings due to changes in the competitive situation, customer behaviour, or technological advances...
Risk Capital
Risk capital allocation as well as annual income and risk budgets played a major role in Dresdner's overall risk management policy. The central control parameter was Economic Value Added (EVA). In addition to the income and expense components in the financial statements, EVA took into account the risk capital requirement...
Exhibit I: Dresdner Bank Group's Risk Policy
Exhibit II: Loan Loss Allowances
Exhibit III: Derivative (Trading and Banking book)
Exhibit IV: Counterparties and Replacement Costs
Exhibit V: Value-at-risk Statistics
