Four Seasons Hotels Inc.'s HR Practices: Fostering a Strong Customer Service Culture

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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB116
Case Length : 19 pages
Period : 1998-2008
Pub Date : 2009
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Four Seasons Hotels Inc.
Industry : Hospitality
Countries : Global
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Please note:
This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Background Note
Four Seasons was founded by Sharp in 1960, when frequent international travel was an emerging trend. In order to cater to this segment, Sharp, who was a builder, wanted to start a new kind of a luxury hotel with personalized and round-the-clock service. For funds, Sharp approached his brother-in-law, Eddie Creed (Creed) and his friend, Murray Koffler (Koffler)...
Four Seasons' Service Culture
According to Four Seasons, it was committed to providing its guests value added service and hassle free stay. Under Sharp's leadership, it expanded into a world-class luxury hotel chain. Over the years, Four Seasons earned a reputation for its superior customer service...
Loyalty to Guests is Important
With its exceptional service, Four Seasons established a leadership position in the hospitality industry in North America. The hotel chain continually received recognition and service accolades worldwide from publications such as Consumer Reports, Gourmet and Travel & Leisure, Mobil Travel Guide, Gallivanter's Guide, and Condé Nast Traveler Magazine...
...But Employees Come First
According to industry observers, at Four Seasons, every employee right from the housekeeper to the senior manager was valued and treated the same way as the guests' i.e with warmth, courtesy, and respect...
Hiring and Training
Four Seasons had the reputation of being fair and just toward employees. Opportunities were provided for qualified individuals based upon job-related qualifications irrespective of his/her status. This policy applied to recruitment, selection, transfers, promotions, scheduling, training, discipline, compensation, benefits, or any other term of employment...
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