Human Capital Development: The Harley-Davidson Way |
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» Human Resource and Organization Behavior Case Studies Please note: This case study was compiled from generalized experience of the authors, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source. |
This initiative was undertaken by the company in order to bring about major improvements in its human resource functions, and thereby attain improved business performance. The case describes the HCDF in detail and the benefits reaped by H-D after its implementation. Issues:
» Understand the various HR initiatives undertaken by H-D to encourage greater
employee participation Contents:
Key Words:Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Human Resource Initiatives, Circle Based Organization, Employee Participation, Teamwork, Command-and-control Leadership, 'Softer' Management Style, Human Capital Development Framework, 'Open Door' Policy, Collaborative Culture, Decision-making, Leadership and Strategy Council, Human Resources Information Systems, Workforce Planning, Self-directed Work Teams Human Capital Development: The Harley-Davidson Way - Next Page>> |
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