Giorgio Armani - The Businessman, the Designer and the Brand

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Case Details:
Case Code : LDEN033
Case Length : 09 Pages
Period : 1970-2004
Pub Date : 2005
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Giorgio Armani
Industry : Fashion
Countries : Italy
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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"Armani is unique. He's the only designer in the world who
has been able to combine real creative genius with a tremendously astute
business sense."
- Sara Forden, a Milan-based fashion observer, in 2001.1
"There's never anything hip or chic or tied to the moment
in Giorgio's work - it's truly timeless. His designs aren't meant to be gazed at
on a runway - they're for people to wear, and to enhance their own sense of
natural elegance. Even if I'd never met him, I'd know from simply looking at his
clothes that he was an artist."
- Martin Scorsese, prominent Hollywood filmmaker, in 2004.2
"My philosophy has always been to help women and men feel
comfortable and confident through the clothes they wear."
- Giorgio Armani, in 2004.3
Giorgio Armani - Superstar
It was the night of the 21st Annual Night of Stars, in late October 2004; a gala
event organized in New York by the Fashion Group International4
and attended by the biggest names in the world of fashion. At the event, Giorgio
Armani (Armani) was honored for lifetime achievement in the field of fashion and
conferred with the 'Superstar Award'. While some people thought that receiving a
lifetime achievement award marked the pinnacle of his career (and signified its
end), Armani was determined to prove otherwise. "Thanks for the kind thought.
But don't imagine that I'm going to disappear, or that you'll get rid of me.
I'll accept the award, but I'll keep on generating ideas," was Armani's response
to the honor5.
He also said, "A [lifetime] career award signifies closure or a conclusion, but
I just want to be precise that it's not my case. It's an important
recognition, but honestly I would have preferred to receive an award for the
best collection."6
This response was typical of Armani, thought analysts. One of the top
fashion designers in the world, Armani showed no inclination to retire even
after he celebrated his 70th birthday in 2004. His clients included
Hollywood stars, prominent socialites and members of the royalty. However,
his clothes were not confined to the upper classes alone. Over the years,
Armani introduced several sub brands that offered beautiful clothes at
affordable prices, making them accessible even to the 'not so rich' classes
of society. Armani's fashion house, Giorgio Armani SpA, was one of the rare
profitable organizations in the extremely dynamic fashion industry, where
trends and fortunes change overnight. |
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