Toyota's Kaizen Experience

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Case Details:
Case Code : OPER006
Case Length : 12 Pages
Period : 1990 - 2002
Organization : Toyota
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note : Available
Countries : Japan
Industry : Automobiles
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Please note:
This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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"Human beings think our way is the best, but at Toyota, we
are told we have to always change. We believe there is no perfect way, so we
continue to search. The goal is to break the current condition through Kaizen."
- Shoichiro Toyoda, Chairman, Toyota Motor Corporation, in
December 2000.
Toyota Reinvents the Need for Kaizen
In the early 1990s, the Japanese automobile major, Toyota Motor Corporation
(Toyota) was facing acute labor shortage. The emergence of high wage jobs and a
shortage of young workers due to the low birth rates in Japan in the previous
two decades were the primary reasons for this. The number of women and aged
people was increasing in the country's labor pool. These people avoided heavy
manufacturing work.
Toyota's strong focus on improving productivity and production efficiency over
the decades had created strained work atmosphere as the workers were reportedly
over burdened. This led to an exodus of young workers from the company.
In 1990, around 25% of newly hired young workers left the company in their
first year itself. To deal with the labor shortage problem, Toyota employed
many temporary workers in the assembly plants. The ratio of temporary
workers in the workforce soon reached more than 10% - some work groups had
around 75% temporary workers. As these temporary workers were not adequately
trained, the annual working hours of the company increased, while
productivity decreased (Refer Figure I).
according to analysts, Toyota management's focus on increasing
production efficiency by achieving higher production levels with less
number of workers resulted in increased stress for the workers. This
also played a major part in the worker exodus. Toyota's problems
increased with by the global upsurge in car demand during 1987-1991
because of which the demand for labor shot up. As high wage jobs were
easily available to the limited pool of young male workers, many Toyota
workers began to leave the company. To handle the crisis, Toyota
radically changed its production management and human resource
management practices. |
The company decided to change its working conditions to
attract high school female graduates and workers over forty years. Toyota
realized that it would have to rely on Kaizen for modifying its existing
assembly lines to attract workers.
Toyota's Kaizen Experience
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