's Kindle: Publishing Industry's iPod?


Themes: Strategy
Pub Date : 2009
Countries : US
Industry : Services

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Case Code : INA0111
Case Length : 25 Pages
Price: Rs. 200;'s Kindle: Publishing Industry's iPod?


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Demand Shifts of the Consumers

Consumers who are more exposed to computer technology explored new technologies for their reading needs with easy inputs from the increasing use of computers both at work and home that enabled them to generate, process and store the information required. Ease of access to information accentuated the need for change in product offerings from the publishing houses. The demand for books on specialised topics gradually started picking up though books covering topics of general interest also flourished. According to former US-based Times Mirror group (it now merged with Tribune) vice president Jerome Rubin, "...Gutenberg's movable type enabled such mass distribution of identical copies upon its implementation in the fifteenth century, the twentieth century's 'electronic technologies allow the creation of infinite variations'."17

Mergers &Acquisitions (M&As) in the Publishing Industry

Many undercapitalised small firms were acquired by large companies that had other media businesses such as motion pictures, television and music recording. Small publishers, though being undercapitalised, known for their innovativeness in terms of publishing works, were continuously acquired by major publishing houses. The competitive structure of the industry was completely altered due to the M&As.

Publishing Business at Doldrums

By the end of the 20th century, proliferation of internet changed the landscape of publishing industry to a large extent and has brought it to the verge of decline. Internet affected the prospects of the print media as more and more readers preferred free content available on the net. Many companies such as Amazon started selling books and also e-books through the internet. There are also companies like Google that offer free on-line books on the internet. These trends affected the business model of the traditional publishing industry in which several channels function to deliver the book from the publisher to the end-user, thus paving way for a new operating model of the publishing industry

The diminishing demand for print resulted in the deceleration of the revenues of the publishing industry. Publishers usually bear lot of costs in the process of printing, to and fro shipping and pulping the merchandise which result in less profit margins of the publishers.

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17]Ibid., page 113