Taiichi OHNO and Toyota Production System

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Please note:
This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
Case Details: |
Price: |
Case Code |
: |
OPER043 |
For delivery in electronic format: Rs.
For delivery through courier (within India): Rs. 500 + Rs. 25 for Shipping & Handling ChargesThemesJapanese Management Tools |
Case Length |
: |
19 Pages |
Period |
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1998-2004 |
Organization |
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Toyota |
Pub Date |
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2005 |
Teaching Note |
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Available |
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Japan |
Industry |
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(Two Wheelers) |
Toyota's production system has been one of the most studied systems in the field
of production and operations management. The core elements of the system, like
JIT, Kaizen and Kanban were emulated by several other organizations around the
world, sometimes successfully and sometimes not. Taiichi Ohno was the architect
of the TPS and was generally acknowledged as the father of 'lean manufacturing',
which was the western adaptation of the TPS.
The case discusses the various elements of TPS and the role played by Ohno in
the design and implementation of the system. Concepts like JIT, Kaizen, Kanban,
and Jidoka are discussed in detail.
The case also studies the benefits Toyota
obtained from the TPS, as well as the main challenges in
implementing the system. It concludes with a study of the
applications of the TPS in other companies and the role that it
is likely to play in the future of manufacturing.
» To study the elements of the production system of a large and highly
successful car manufacturer
» To study the concept and application of tools like JIT, Kanban, Kaizen, and
Jidoka and their role in production management
» To appreciate the importance of the human element in the design and operation
of production systems
» To understand the challenges faced in the implementation of production systems
» To examine the differences between the Japanese industrial culture and that of
western economies
» To examine the future of manufacturing and production systems
Toyota Motor Corporation, Taiichi Ohno, Just-in-Time (JIT),
Kaizen, Competitive Advantage, Toyota Production System (TPS), Kanban, General
Motors, Gemba, Toyota Supplier Support Center, Jidoka, Toshiaki Taguchi, Jidoka
System, Operations management and Production system
Richest Automobile Company
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