Case Details: |
Price: |
Case Code |
: |
BSTA138 |
For delivery in electronic format: Rs.
300; For delivery through courier (within India): Rs.
300 + Rs. 25 for Shipping & Handling Charges
Themes- |
Case Length |
: |
10 Pages |
Period |
: |
1999-2005 |
Organization |
: |
Wipro |
Pub Date |
: |
2005 |
Teaching Note |
: |
Not Available |
: |
India |
Industry |
: |
(information technology) services |
The resignation of Wipro Vice-Chairman Vivek Paul has fuelled a lot of
speculation in the media. Following Paul's resignation, Chairman Azim Premji
sent out an internal memo in which he announced the setting up of two task
forces, one under Ranjan Acharya, Vice-President (Corporate Human Resources
Director), to look at leadership issues and the other under Sudip Nandy, Chief
Strategy Officer and Girish Paranjpe, President (Finance Solutions) to assess
Wipro's future strategy. Despite these changes and the brave face put up by the
company, many analysts have expressed concern about the recent events. Paul's
resignation has raised doubts about Wipro's ability to retain top professionals.
In the past five years, several senior managers have left the company at regular
intervals. Where have things gone wrong?
Wipro, Vivek Paul, Vivek Paul's resignation, Azim Premji,
Ashok Soota, Wipro after Paul, Human resources at Wipro, Wipro's challenges,
Ranjan Acharya, Leadership issues in Wipro
Wipro in 2005: Vivek Paul's Resignation & Beyond
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