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Corporate Social Responsibility Case Study

Case Title:
AMD’s Sustainable Development Initiatives
Publication Year : 2005
Authors: Supratim Majumdar & Tirthankar Ray
Industry: Semiconductor
Region: US
Case Code: CSR0042K
Teaching Note: Not Available
Structured Assignment: Not Available
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is a leading player in the semi-conductor industry and is slowly attaining a dominant position in the global market. Apart from achieving its business objectives, the company was contributing significantly towards sustainable development programs. AMD has won accolades for its commitment to business ethics and social and environmental issues. Within the perimeters of the company’s area of operation, the firm has successfully integrated the basic tenets of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In keeping with its vision of sustainable development, AMD has pioneered a new corporate ethos which has benefited its shareholders, consumers and the economy in general
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To understand business ethics and social and environmental issues
- To discuss AMD’s initiatives towards social sustainability
- To discuss AMD’s initiatives towards environmental sustainability.
Keywords : Corporate Social Responsibility Case Study Advanced Micro Devices, Sustainable development, Triple bottomline, Environmental sustainability, Social sustainability, Economic sustainability, Corporate social responsibility, Corporate philanthropy, Waste management, Energy conservation, Community development, Greenhouse effect, Workforce development, United Nations? Conference on Environment and Development, World Business Council for Sustainable Development