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Market Entry Strategies Case Study

Case Title:
Wal-Mart in India
Publication Year : 2006
Authors: Amy Sonpal, Dr. A.V Vedpuriswar
Industry: Retail
Case Code: MES0047A
Teaching Note: Available
Structured Assignment: Not Available
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (Wal-Mart) was the world’s largest retailer. It had ventured into international operations in mid 1990s. Hailing from a developed country like the US it had to struggle in Asia’s developing markets to maintain its corporate philosophy of ‘every day low prices’. There were other cultural and local adaptations that it made to capture the market.
India being the second largest populous country in the world was emerging as the hottest destination for retail industry. But India had still not opened its retail sector for Foreign Direct Investment. Wal-Mart was eyeing this market for some time now.
The case describes Wal-Mart’s Asian experiences in China and Japan and how Wal-Mart can apply its learning’s to the Indian market. Indian retail Industry is covered in-depth. The case ends on the discussion of what strategies Wal-Mart should use to enter India and whether once entered it would be successful?
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To understand the political, legal, social and economical environment of India and its regulation for FDI
- To understand the nature and structure of retail industry in India
- To know the functional and operational aspects of a giant retail organization like Wal-Mart
- To discuss the country experiences of Wal-Mart particularly in Asia (Japan and China) and the implications of entering one more Asian country India
- To derive a best fir between Wal-Mart and India
- To discuss the entry strategies available to Wal-Mart and followed by Wal-Mart in different countries
- To debate on the right entry strategy for Wal-Mart for entering India.
Keywords : Retailing; Indian Retail; Entry strategies; Market Entry Strategies Case Study; Foreign Direct Investment in India; Regulatory environment; Political; Legal and Social environment; Globalisation; Growth Strategy; Competition; Market leader; Wal-Mart; India; localisation
Contents :
Global retail
The Top Retail Giants
Indian Retail Sector
Organized Market Share
Challenges of Retailing
Retail as an Employment Generator
Wal-Mart’s Japanese Venture
India a land of Opportunity