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Operations Strategy Case Study

Case Title:
Global Stance on Malaria: Using Thurstone Scaling
Publication Month and Year : December 2009
Authors: RagaSravanthi Vemulavada, Dr. V. Srinivas
Industry: General Business
Region: India
Case Code: BRM0007
Teaching Note: Available
Structured Assignment: Not Available
The case study primarily deals with measuring the attitude of people towards
those suffering from malaria and the use of Thurstone Scaling in measuring it.
Malaria a dreadful disease which if not treated can become fatal by interrupting
the blood supply to vital organs of the human body. Malaria can be controlled
by diagnosing it early and treating it promptly. People have different attitude
towards the disease as well as the people suffering from it. One of the ways to
document the attitude is to record the statements made by the people about the
disease. When recording statements, it should be ensured that people generate
statements only if they have either suffered from the disease or have a fair idea
about the disease.
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To analyse the scales in measurement
- To understand Thurstone scaling.
Keywords : Scales of Management, Thurstone Scaling, Attitudes, Scaling, Interqaurtile Range