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Industry Analysis Case Study

Case Title:
The US Newspaper Industry at Crossroads?
Publication Year : 2008
Authors: Roopesh Ramakrishnan, Bharathi S. Gopal
Industry: Newspaper Publishing
Region: US
Case Code: INA0076B
Teaching Note: Available
Structured Assignment: Available
The print newspaper industry of the US has been witnessing revenue decline since 2005. Decreasing circulations and consequently decreasing advertising revenue, due to the increasing popularity of digital media, is said to have affected the print medium. Many newspaper companies initiated several cost cutting efforts to cope up with the industry downtrend. The increasing online advertising revenue at the US newspaper websites put forth a notion that the industry will undergo a paradigm shift from the print medium to the online medium. Many analysts believed that the US newspaper organisations will retain their local franchises in print format, as it contributes significantly to their revenue. However, speculation is rife about the future of US print newspaper industry as the focus shifts to the online medium.
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To analyse the increasing popularity of new media over the traditional media in the US
- To provide an overview of the US newspaper industry and the competitive scenario
- To analyse the various factors that affect the US print newspaper industry
- To analyse how the US print newspaper industry can hold its audience and increase its revenue.
Keywords : US Newspaper Industry; NAA; WAN; Digital Media; Ad spend; Classified ads; Consumer spectrum; Interactive marketing; New media; Internet advertising; Crossroads; Newspaper websites; Business models; Google; Yahoo
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Currency Exchange Rates
INR 200 = USD ($)
Structured Assignment:
INR 150 = USD ($)
Teaching Note :
INR 400 = USD ($)