Case study, Corporate Social responsibility case study, Tesco's Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

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Tesco's Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

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Tesco's next initiative was to deliver more goods per litre of fuel it uses, to reduce its distribution fleet's emissions. In 2006, Tesco delivered 8%more products thus. Over the next 3 years, Tesco planned to cut short the CO2 emissions, per case of goods delivered, by 30%.

Tesco invested £2.8million in double deck trailers, which carry 67%more products per load and it also encouraged suppliers to use these vehicles for deliveries. By reducing delivery time to its stores each week and improving the way of filling the vehicles, Tesco saved over 54,000 deliveries each year, travelled 2.5 million fewer miles and delivered 25% more with each journey.

Tesco was UK's first major retailer to incorporate biofuel into its standard petrol and diesel, with no price premium. In May 2005, Tesco introduced a 5%bioethanolmix into its standard unleaded petrol at 185 petrol stations at the same price. A car driven with the bioethanol mixed petrol fuel emits 4.5%less CO2. Tesco converted most of its standard diesel pumps to bio diesel. It has also been encouraging its customers to use bio fuels and save energy in their homes too.

In 1990, Tesco replaced their cardboard boxes with reusable plastic crates called green trays. Subsequently, these were adopted at all its stores across the world, as they could be reused and also reduced product wastage. In April 2000, Tesco's green trays won the Queen's Award for the Environment.18Tesco has internal recycling programme for recycling paper, cardboard and plastic. In 2005'2006 Tesco saved 384,517 tonnes of waste from landfill.

Other Initiatives

Tesco ensured that most of its products packing was done in eco-friendly way. The company purchased timber products only from sustainable and legal sources. All the suppliers are required to give details like the origin of the used wood species.

Tesco demands high standards of animal welfare and had livestock codes of practice covering all aspects of animal husbandry, animal welfare requirements, environmental impact and food safety standards. Tesco ensured that overseas suppliers also met standards equivalent to the UK suppliers.

Tesco does not support animal testing. Tesco contributes £10,000 a year to the 'Replacement ofAnimals inMedical Experimentation' (FRAME) fund, which seeks to end animal testing.

To improve sustainability on fisheries and fishing methods, Tesco followed certain principles of sustainability in fish sourcing and sold only certified marine products.

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18]"Retail Ethics and Green Retailing 2007: More than plastic bags?", Centre for Retail Research, 2007

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