Case Studies in Business Management, Operations and Project Management Case Studies

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Operations and Project Management case studies

No one really wants to be an operations manager. Who wants to get their hands dirty? But then, after all god is in details. In fact, for some of the companies – for instance airline companies – the operations strategy itself becomes the grand strategy. One of the roles and responsibilities of an operations manager would be to handle numerous projects. These will range from large capital projects to implementation of information systems. Effectively managing these projects means delivering them on time and budget. The success of an operation manager will be strongly influenced by his project management skills.

Projects have exact start and end time where as operations are ongoing activities. The overall activities of operation management include product creation, development, production and distribution. It also involves substantial measurements and analysis of internal process. The nature of operation management carried out in an organization depends very much on the nature of products or services in the organization. Project management includes the developing and implementing the project plans. Project management usually has the following phases: feasibility study, project planning, implementation, evaluation and support maintenance. Some of IBSCDC's cases studies help you to look to at some of the best practices in operations and project management areas.

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