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Going Global: The Challenges vol.I
Edited by : Syed Abdul Samad
ISBN : 978-81-314-1938-0
Price: $25 ( INR)
246 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
Globalisation grooved economic growth all over the world, and helped businesses expand into the proximity of various nations. This growth further increased the number of companies aspiring to go global. In this process, companies pursued various strategies – like green field operations, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, partnerships, etc. – to establish themselves in global markets. While global expansion offered considerable benefits to the company like – increased market share, profits, company growth, world-wide presence, etc. – it also posed many challenges. These ranged from entry restrictions and operational obstacles to novel consumer behaviour or other market-specific problems.
This book is a collection of case studies highlighting the prospects, perils and challenges in global expansion. It also covers major topics in international trade like market entry strategies, global expansion, global competitive scenario, challenges in specific markets, global competitive strategies, dilemmas regarding distribution channels, perils of reckless expansion, etc. Few cases focus on emerging markets like India and China and companies over there trying to go global. Readers get to know the prerequisites and practical implications of global expansion and it is quite useful for students specialising in international trade and also for global business managers.
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