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Case Studies on Competitive Strategies - Vol. II
Edited by : Sumit Kumar Chaudhuri
ISBN : 81-314-0197-9
Price: $25 ( INR)
216 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
Competitive Strategy - Vol. II focuses on the strategies, which assumes an all-important role in the wake of competition. Without competition, strategy has no relevance. However, as the ecology and landscape of competition are not similar across countries and industries, different companies have embraced different strategies to gain competitive advantage. Few examples of competitive strategies that are commonly adopted are reducing costs in order to attract more customers, providing product attributes that are unique in order to differentiate the product and customising services according to the target market. This book, in particular, highlights two important aspects of business – competitive advantage and core competencies, concepts that have different meaning but serve the same purpose of gaining market leadership. The basic aim of compiling 16 real business situation case studies spanning across different industries is to enable a discussion on the viable and long-term strategies that can be adopted to steer through and stay ahead of competition.
Cases featured in this book
Asia: The Destination For Medical Tourism
Barbie Vs. Bratz: Competition In The Tween Girl Market
Carrefour: Competitive Strategies during Challenging Times
CIPLA: Generic Competence
Competitive Advantages of Japanese Automobile Manufacturers
DHL in USA – The Competitive Strategies
Digital Animation: India’s Competitive Advantage
Disney Channel’s Competitive Strategies
Investment Banking: Lazard’s Competitive Strategies
Meg Whitman’s competitive strategies for e-Bay
Progressive Corp: The Auto Insurer’s Competitive Strategies
Southwest Airlines: Generating Competitive Advantage through Human Resources Management
The Competitive Strategies of Ryanair
Utility Computing: IBM On-Demand
Virgin Mobile in USA: Differentiating Growth Strategies
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