Business Case Studies, Organizational Behavior Case Study, Strategy, Competitive Strategies Case Studies

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Your search by Center Name "Kolkata" fetched 204 results...

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Microsoft`s Internet Explorer 7: A Competitive Response to Mozilla`s Firefox?
Airbus and Boeing: Building Planes in Global Factories
Microsoft`s Zune: Competitive Challenges for Apple’s iPod
AMD: Challenging INTEL
Digital TV War: Korea vs Japan
Europe`s Grocery Market: Traditional Retailers vs Discounters
Home Depot vs B&Q: The Battle for China’s Home Improvement Market
Samsung: Betting on High-end Mobile Phones
Toyota - Aiming for Larger Presence in Europe
Posco - Moving towards raw material
Poste Italiane - A Story of Corporate Metamorphosis
WAL-MART`S Exit from Germany
Wal-Mart`s Exit from South Korea
BP: Trying to Win Back its `Green` Image
Managing Product Recall: The Dell Way
Dell: From a Low Cost PC Maker to an Innovative Company
Novartis: Consolidation in Generics
Standard Chartered: Consolidating its Presence in Taiwan
LCD Flat Panel TV - Sony`s Growth Strategy
Wal-Mart’s Exit from South Korea and Germany: What Went Wrong
HP: Reinventing itself
AOL: The Shift Towards Free Services
Internet Censorship: The Ethical Dimension
Fast-Food Retailers in the US: Still Going the Trans-Fat Way?
AMD`s Sustainable Development Initiatives
Corporate Role in Sustainable Development: A Case of Novartis
The Rise of Social Networking Websites
Blood Diamond: A Hollywood Flick Inspiring Business Ethics?
Balanced, Active Lifestyles: Another Corporate Social Responsibility Ace from McDonald’s?
Microsoft: Software to Media
LG Chem The Changing Strategies of the Chemical Company
NYTimes: Diversifying Online Revenue
Philips: Divesting the Semi-conductor Business
Agricultural Bank of China: Unbanking on the Banking Reform
Bank of China`s IPO: Banking on the Banking Reform
World`s Largest-ever Public Issue by ICBC: Banking on the Banking Reform
Ireland: Destination for FDI
DUBAI - Shifting from Oil to Tourism, Transport and Trade
Gazprom: The Politics of Energy
Russian Pharmaceutical Market: The Export Destination
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