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Case Studies on Best Practices - Vol. I
Edited by : Shanul Jain
ISBN : 978-81-314-2201-4
Price: $25 ( INR)
182 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
Standing apart in the crowd is something accomplishable, but being the best is a real challenge. Companies that set benchmark for others are oft known for their best practices making them unique in their own way. Every company tries to be the best among its competitors. Toyota, Dell, Google, GE, etc. have emerged as unchallenged global leaders with their best practices. Following suit, companies like Caterpiller Inc., iMac, Magink Display Technologies Inc. came up with unique ways of delivering best products/services to the customers. Best practice for a company can be in terms of innovation, strategic planning, human resource management, quality assurance, risk management or sustainable growth.
On one hand, there are companies that tread the path shown by the leaders, on the other, there are few companies which take the road less travelled and set a benchmark with their best practices.
The cases given in this book, Case Studies on Best Practices - Vol.I trigger an idea as to how each of the companies have come up with an innovative strategy that helped them to gain a competitive advantage over the others. Each case is different in its way and it will help management graduates, academicians and managers to understand how best practices would give a company a cut above the others and help it in generating profits.
Cases featured in this book’s Growth Strategies
iMAC G5’s Success: iPod’s Halo Effect
Magink Display Technologies Inc.: Israeli Firm’s Billboard Innovations
Mittal Steel's Knowledge Management Strategy: Giving it a Competitive Edge
Nucor Corp’s Performance driven Organisational Culture: Employee driven competitive advantage?
Sharp: Building Competitive Advantage through Innovation
Southwest Airlines: Generating Competitive Advantage through Human Resources Management
Telecom Italia Mobile: Making Profits in a Mature Market
The Container Store's Customer Service: Recruitment and Training as Competitive Advantage
Wegmans: The US Retailer’s Success Formula
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