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Case Studies on Brewery Industry Old Wine in a New Bottle? - Vol.I
Edited by : R. Muthukumar
ISBN : 978-81-314-2452-0
Price: $25 ( INR)
136 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
The $900 billion global brewery industry witnessed tremendous changes over the past few decades. Though the origins date back to the 13th century, alcoholic beverages actually evolved as an industry only during the 19th and 20th centuries, as entrepreneurs globally set up operations spread across different parts of the world. Slowly, consolidation shaped the alcoholic beverage industry when growth in home markets became highly saturated. Gradually, the industry began to go global through various restructuring initiatives like divestiture of non-core and less profitable businesses, cost-cutting measures and aggressive acquisition strategy to wring value of the acquired companies and gain incremental profits outside home markets.
However, the industry was predominantly fragmented with large number of small and domestic players and the top two or three players held a meager market share. Faced with other challenges like proliferation of media outlets and customer segments, category wars within the alcoholic segments and between the alcoholic and non-alcoholic segments, complex distribution systems, dramatic shifts in demographics and lifestyle, innate challenges of sluggish economies, flat consumption trends, balancing globalisation of consumption patterns with diverse tastes and preferences across different regions, the global brewers adopted various strategies to sustain stalled growth and intensified competition in the highly fragmented global brewery industry. The prominent of all, broadening their product portfolios to include all the three categories – beer, wine and spirits – global and local as well. All the ten case studies compiled in this book, Case Studies on Brewery Industry Old Wine in a New Bottle? - Vol.I provide strategic insights on the development trends, the brewers’ response to various challenges and their competitive strategies.
Cases featured in this book
Cott Corporation, World's Biggest Maker of Retailer-Brand Carbonated Soft Drinks: The Growth Strategies
Diageo: World’s Largest Spirits Company in Troubled Times
France’s Wine Industry: In Need of Better Marketing
Indian Liquor Industry's 'Prohibited Growth': The Legal Environment Factor
Master of Wine: Creating a Unique Brand
Pernod Ricard: The French Beverage (Wine and Spirits) Company's Growth Strategies
SABMiller’s Inorganic Growth Strategies
Sam Adams’ Repositioning strategies
San Miguel: The Philippines Brewery Giant's Growth Strategies
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