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Case Studies on Business Models - Vol.1
Edited by : R. Muthukumar
ISBN : 81-314-0692-X
Price: $25 ( INR)
280 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
Almost everyone has heard and talked about the term 'Business Model' but how many do really understand what it is? The term a standard phrase in the glossary of business managers can be found in most books, articles, company's newsletters and annual reports. In order to assess a potential business model, we must uncover the nature of its 'profit engine', for which a few questions need to be answered like:
- How likely is the business to turn cash flow positive?
- How much time is required to ramp-up the revenue?
- How much investment is required to pursue the business model?
- What are the critical success factors? etc.
Cases featured in this book
Best Buy and Circuit City's Revenue Models: The Threat from Wal-Mart?
Big Media’s “On-Demand” Entertainment: What’s the Business Model?
Cartridge World, The Australian Cartridge Refilling Company's Business Model: Can it Sustain?
Coke’s Relationship with Bottlers: To “Revive and Sustain”
Credit Cards and Business Growth
De Beers vs. Lev Leviev: The“Decartelisation” of the Diamond Industry?
Dell's Service Business: Duplicating the Low-Cost PC Model
France Telecom's 'Orange': Renaissance of a Brand and Rebranding Strategies
Growth of Wikipedia: The Free Online Encyclopaedia
High Sales with Low Margins: Notebook PC Makers' New Success Formula?
Media Specialists: Transforming Global Ad Industry’s Business Model
Microsoft Vs. Windows
Microsoft’s “Digital Vision”: Looking Beyond PC?
Nanotechnology: New Vistas for US
Philips Electronics NV: Weighing the Strategic Options for Semiconductor Division
Public Private Partnership in Rajasthan's Health Sector: Outsourcing Diagnostic Services
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