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Case Studies on Business Models - Vol.2
Edited by : K Ramanathan
ISBN : 978-81-314-1472-9
Price: $25 ( INR)
280 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
In changing business era, an existing business model may not be viable for a company. The company needs to search for a new business model, the key reasons including the remarkable increase in complexity in managing business. The complexity built is due to significant and irreversible changes in the business environment. If we observe, the pace of business is accelerating beyond the ability of most corporations to adjust. So when to go for a new business model? What should be the factors of the new business model? How far is it sustainable? This casebook helps to identify and analyse 'towards new business model' with examples of case studies.
Cases featured in this book
China's Baidupedia: An Authoritarian Alternate to Wikipedia?
Cirque du Soleil: Creating a Blue Ocean by Balancing Creativity and Business
Dell's Business Model: Is it Time to Reinvent?
Disney in the Digital Age: Profiting from New Media Platforms
Global Hospitals – Where Life Gets a Second Chance to Google’s Business Dilemma in China
IBM's Software Division: The New Reliable growth Engine?
Kroger's Customer-centric Business Model: The Competitive Strategies
Microsoft's Net Strategy: The Business Model Makeover
Music Piracy and iTunes
Novartis' Generic Drug Business: The New Growth Driver
Pete Kight's CheckFree: Pioneering Online Bill Payments in the US
Swiss International Airlines: Revival Plan to Yield Breakeven?
The Napster Sour Note in Bertelsmann’s Symphony
Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center: Getting Inventions to the Market
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