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Case Studies on Competitive Strategies Vol III
Edited by : Sai Prasanna Ragu
ISBN : 978-81-314-2165-9
Price: $25 ( INR)
312 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
Gone are the days when one or two players held majority of the market share with little or no competition. In every industry, from consumer goods and retail to electronics and pharmaceuticals, increase in the number of players redefined the role of competition in the industry. It became imperative for every company, small or big, established or start-up, to understand the nature of competition and develop survival as well as sustainable strategies for growth and profitability. Thereby, in the highly volatile business environment, companies across different industries compete aggressively not only to gain greater market share but also to earn sustainable profits.
Thus, a company's success depends on its ability to identify/anticipate, manage and respond to environmental and industry conditions. It involves implementing various tactics of competitive positioning, market leadership and identifying sources of sustainable competitive advantage. Strategy has no relevance without competition and in fact, competitive strategies guide all other organisational decisions regarding marketing, finance and operations. Along with Michael Porter's competitive strategies of cost leadership and differentiation, companies also focus on customer-centric innovation, growth through mergers and acquisitions or even building diversified portfolios and cost-cutting initiatives. Further, with growing momentum of the role of IT in business, winning over competition also depends on their ability to operate based on latest technology. All the 22 case studies compiled in this book help readers not only to understand the theoretical concepts of competition but also practically implement such strategic thinking by drawing insights from strategies adopted by various companies from different industries in varied real-time situations.
Cases featured in this book
Apple’s “Low-End” Strategy: The Payoffs
Christie’s: The 240 Year-Old Auction House’s Competitive Strategies
EADS in America: The Competitive Strategies
Electronic Arts vs. Take-Two Interactive: The Competitive Strategies in the US Videogame Market
Exelon’s Business Strategy – John W. Rowe’s Way
FedEx in China: The Competitive Strategies
FedEx in China: The Competitive Strategies
Gillette’s Challenges and Strategic Responses
Google’s Grand Moves: Are they Strategic?
Jungle Jim's International Market vs. Wal-Mart: Jungle Jim's Differentiation Strategies
Kodak in Asia
Kroger's Customer-centric Business Model: The Competitive Strategies
McDonald's in UK: The Competitive strategies
Paul Otellini's 'Right Hand Turn' Strategy: Leading Intel in a New Direction?
Red Bull: Changing Flavours?
Tesco vs. ASDA : UK’s Retailing Battle
The Changing Consumer Tastes in US Beer Market: Anheuser-Busch Company's Competitive Strategies
Using Online Presence to Gain Competitive Advantage: The BBC Way
Walgreen Co.: The US Drugstore Chain's Survival Strategies Against the Drug Wars
Wrigley vs Cadbury Schweppes: The Competitive Strategies in Chewing Gum Market
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