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Case Studies on Corporate Governance
Edited by : R. Muthukumar
ISBN : 978-81-314-2118-5
Price: $25 ( INR)
268 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
Corporate governance has ensured greater assurance in the light of increased globalisation, tougher regulations and heightened shareholder activism, etc.More or less every country has its own corporate governance code. Most of the stock exchanges made it mandatory for the companies to have elaborated corporate governance codes in place. What does corporate governance structure mean? Are there any best practices in corporate governance? What are the benefits of having a corporate governance structure in place? This compendium of cases on corporate governance enables an in-depth understanding of all such and more issues.
Corporate governance is a process and every employee has a role to play in adhering to corporate governance norms. To say that it is a specific committee’s responsibility to oversee corporate governance code implementation is at best non-committal and at worst suicidal. No matter, how many governance-related committees are constituted, what is more important is the integrity.
Cases featured in this book
Chapter 11: Bankruptcy as a Strategic Tool?
Corporate America and Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Costs Vs. Benefits
Corporate Governance at Nestlé: The Debate over Combined CEO and Chairman
Corporate Governance Problems at Seibu, Japan's Major Private Railway: Board to be Blamed?
EADS: The Boardroom Battle at Europe's Aerospace Giant
Executive Compensation – Microsoft’s Risk-return Tradeoff
Philanthropy to Corporate Social Responsibility: Coke’s Initiatives
Porsche's Investment in Volkswagen: Moving Away from 911?
Running a Board: The Reuters' Way
The Body Shop: The Ethical Beauty Retailer’s Growth Strategies
The Oil-for-Food Scandal at UN: Questions of Governance Issues
The Rise of Green Consumerism: Is it a Fad or is it Sustainable?
US Bankruptcy Laws: Benefiting Debtors or Creditors?
Volkswagen's Ferdinand Piëch's Porsche Connections: The Clash of Interests?
Wal-Mart's 'Corporate Citizenship' Initiatives
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