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Case Studies on Higher Education Vol.I
Edited by : R. Muthukumar
ISBN : 978-81-314-2198-7
Price: $25 ( INR)
222 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
In today’s scenario, the higher education is much internationalised. Marketisation-focused public policies have significantly transformed higher education systems worldwide. However, the impact of such policies on the quality of the higher education system is still unknown. There are questions about the real quality of higher education and about the effects of the markets on the improvement of the system quality. Today’s demand for the skills and the competitiveness in a globalised economy made higher education a very competitive sector. However, this sector has been facing challenges like quality of education, funding, research and development, etc. Higher education institutions have developed competencies in certain areas based on their resources like assured quality education, financial aid for students, and the ability to gear teaching and research to local culture and needs. This case book explores with examples of popular universities, globalised education. It also speaks about the challenges they are facing.
The book,Case Studies on Higher Education Vol.I will be of special interest for researchers concerned with higher education in general and with international/comparative aspects in particular, as well as managers in higher education, in academic institutions.
Cases featured in this book
City Academies in Britain
Doctoral Blues in the U.S. B-Schools
Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs): Going Global
Japanese Universities – The Challenges Ahead
John Hood: Revamping Oxford’s Finances
John Hood's Plans to Reinvent Oxford University: The Challenges
Kaplan Inc-The Washington Post’s Education Division’s Growth trategies
Lawrence H. Summers at Harvard University: Growth Plans vs. Controversies
National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School: Christopher Earley's Brand Building Strategies
Private Schools in China
The Strategic Initiatives at HBS
UCSF – How Industry-Academia Interface Made It A Benchmark for Biomedical Innovation
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