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Managing Family Business
Edited by : Rajendar Singh Rathore
ISBN : 978-81-314-1482-8
Price: $50 ( INR)
93 pages( Paperback edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
Family-owned businesses have been a very significant and integral part of the business history. Despite the growth of large corporations, they have assumed an important role in the present era. They are unique, write their own rules and have their own working style. They can be great, as family members will always be dedicated and loyal to their company. But sometimes, family interests conflict with business interests, leading to a whole new set of business problems. Building a profitable business while maintaining a successful family relationship can be precarious.
Handing over key company positions to their offspring can be an optimistic move, but can also lead to disaster. The need for outside assistance usually comes only when the family business and relationships are in trouble, the members estranged and business dissolved as the owners decide to part away. However, bringing strangers into a growing business run a risk – they can strengthen the company or sabotage it. Though it will help in the smooth functioning of day-to-day activities, but can create a serious crisis over succession issues.
With an aim of addressing some of the major issues facing family businesses in today’s fast-changing business world, the book has compiled some of the finest articles, interviews and case studies capturing insights of the family businesses.
Case featured in this book
Nordstrom: The Fourth Generation Expansion Strategies
The Reliance Group Split-up: What Went Wrong with the Indian Conglomerate?
Contents of the Book
- Leadership and the Family Business - Areas of Consideration for the Effective Executive
- Interview with John A. Davis
- Understanding Family Business Dynamics - The Strategic Issues
- Family Business - Growth Intelligence?
- Interview with Prof. Kelin E. Gersick
- Family Business Solutions - Transitions in Management Succession Planning
- Nordstrom - The Fourth Generation Expansion Strategies
- Estée Lauder - The Family-Owned Cosmetic Manufacturer’s Growth Strategies
- The Reliance Group Split-up - What Went Wrong with the Indian Conglomerate?
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