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Case Studies on Marketing New Vistas - Vol.I
Edited by : R. Muthukumar
ISBN : 978-81-314-1665-5
Price: $25 ( INR)
280 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
Marketing is primarily identifying customer needs and responding to them. Many organisations in today’s globalised competitive world are unable to compete with their traditional marketing. Moreover, in today’s changing environment, with consumers becoming less responsive to traditional marketing initiatives due to variety of developments like better awareness about products among customers, varieties of competitive products, overexposure to advertising, etc. Marketers are pressurised to look for substantive and effective alternate new marketing initiatives. Good marketers, who want to have direct relationship with their target customers to satisfy them with the products, discover new ways of marketing now and then. The corporate world is replete with such illustrious examples of innovative marketing. The case studies included in this book address these issues. Covering a wide area of marketing, New Marketing Vistas would be of great help to become an effective marketer.
Cases featured in this book
Audi's New Marketing Strategy: The Audi Channel
Celebrity Endorsement – Through the Ages
Changes in the Global Advertising Industry: From Mass Market Advertising to In-Store Advertising
Children's Television Channels: The Marketing Challenges
Coke’s Promotional Themes: Tailored for Times
Communispace Corp.: Using Web for New Product Development and Creating Customer Bonds
Cranium Inc., The Board Game Maker: Winning the Marketing Game!
Kraft Foods Inc: Redefining Marketing to Kids
Pope and Product Placements: Marketers' 'Holy' Connections
Population Services International, the US-based NGO's War on AIDS: Making the Marketing Mix, the Myanmar Way
Rural Marketing – Indian Experiences
Shatto Milk Co: Profiting by Differentiation
Starwood Hotels & Resorts in China - Strategies for Growth
StarWoods Hotels and Resorts Worldwide: Cross-Marketing Strategies
Vodafone’s 3G Technology: The Marketing Strategies
Wells Fargo’s Cross selling Strategies
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