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Case Studies on Multicultural Teams
Edited by : Girija P
ISBN : 978-81-314-2117-8
Price: $25 ( INR)
115 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
The trend of globalisation has not only enabled companies across boundaries but also posed a new challenge for them – integrating people from diverse work cultures and nationalities to build global competency. Cross-cultural knowledge has become essential for those who wish to be global players. Studies revealed that firms failing to successfully integrate diverse workforce have negative implications on organisational performance. It creates conflict and miscommunication leading to under productivity and at times negative productivity. In order to avoid further discrepancy, the leaders must adopt new methods of team building that increases trust and amicability within the team. The challenge for a company is in embracing the differences among their employees and to utilise the same to make better business decisions.
Multicultural teams can co-exist when every team member is sensitive to each other’s cultural behaviour and style of communication. The team should be encouraged to share all the information directly and with honesty.
This book, Multicultural Teams shares valuable insights and views of renowned experts on managing multicultural teams. It would make an interesting reading for management students, academia and corporate managers as well, on the different issues that companies face while dealing with employees belonging to various ethnicities. Multicultural Teams offers a comprehensive approach for creating an effective bridge between theory and practice.
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