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Case Studies on Business Environment - Vol. I
Edited by : Mercy Mathew
ISBN : 81-314-0602-4
Price: $40 ( INR)
394 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
The microenvironment of the business is characterised by explosive industrial growth in some segments and at the same time, rapid technological development is rendering existing solutions to customer problems obsolete. On the macro-economic front, governments are increasingly facing the dilemma of choosing between economic progress and welfare - affecting government expenditure, and in turn the economic growth of the country. On the other hand, recessionary conditions in other countries have forced many companies out of business. Added to these, are the regulatory frameworks of the country and socio-cultural factors. The scenarios become even more complex when companies expand to new geographical regions. They have to deal with multiple – yet distinct – business environments. Organisations have no control over the changes happening in its external environment; but these factors cannot be ignored as they have a profound impact on the business operations and its profitability.
With the ongoing rapid change in business environment, the conventional bases of competitive strategy are continuously eroding. In such a scenario, any company that is not continually developing, acquiring, and adapting to new technological advances and to the changing business environment is preparing itself to be out of the business within a few years. So, an extensive study of the business environment has become an essential prerequisite for success.
The case studies featured in this book provide an in-depth and rigorous perspective on various business environment issues across the globe. Starting with a short theoretical framework, the book, Case Studies on Business Environment - Vol. I, provides insights into some of the companies that have been successful in managing their ever-changing and demanding business environments. This book would definitely be an essential reading for all those executives managing or desirous of managing different business environments.
Cases featured in this book
Britain’s Housing market – Pound Vs U.S. Dollar Dilemma
Business Confidence for FDI in India
Business Environment in China
China’s Banks and The Overheating Economy
China’s Credentials as a Market Economy
China’s Credit Tightening: Impact on Small & Medium Enterprises
China’s Health Care System: The Price for Economic Progress
Chinese Economy – Structural Problems and Bank Overlending
Chinese State-Owned Enterprises: The Challenges
Corporate Tax in the European Union: Tax Harmonization Vs Tax Competition
Credit Card Debt in Britain
FDI: India Vs China
India- An Automobile Hub in the Making
Indian Tourism Industry over the Decades
Ireland: Turnaround by Tax Policy
New Work-Time Regulations: Is Britain Ready?
Non - Performing Loans in Chinese Banking Industry
Reforms in US Patent Law: Business Implications
Rigid German Labor Laws: The Business Migration
Rise of Millionaires in Asia: Opportunities and Challenges for Wealth Managers
SMEs in Thailand: The Governmental Initiatives
Startups in Europe: A New Lease of Life?
The End of Multi-Fiber Arrangement: Opportunities for China's Textile Industry
The French 35-hour workweek
US Anti-Dumping Duties on Shrimp Imports – Irrational Protectionism?
WTO Vs. USA: The Byrd Amendment
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