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Case Studies on Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances - Vol. II
Edited by : R. Muthukumar
ISBN : 81-314-0537-0
Price: $30 ( INR)
258 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
Case Studies on Mergers, Acquisitions & Alliances - Vol. II highlights companies that have undertaken mergers, acquisitions and various kinds of alliances like joint ventures and partnerships in order to achieve rapid growth, both in the domestic and foreign markets. Some of the companies have acquired other companies within the same industry in search of synergistic benefits while others have spread themselves too thin through uncontrolled acquisitions. As the success or failure of these strategies, partly depend on the long-term goals of the companies, the cases focus on the reasons and consequences of such strategic decisions.
Cases featured in this book
Bank of America's Acquisition of MBNA: Growth Challenges in American Credit Card Market
Bank One and J P Morgan Merger – Building an Empire or Adding Value?
Business Objects – Crystal Decisions: The Synergies
EADS: The Evolution and Growth of the European Aircraft Manufacturing Alliance
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK): Post Merger Growth Strategies
IBM’s acquisition of PwCC: The synergies
Japan's Livedoor Co. Ltd: Growing through Unrelated Acquisitions
Merger of MTFG and UFJ Holdings: The Potential Synergies
Microsoft and Sun Microsystems: Sleeping with the Enemy?
News Corporation’s Acquisition of Directv: A Strategic Fit
Novartis’ Acquisition of Aventis: The Potential Synergies
Oracle’s Bid for PeopleSoft: PeopleSoft’s Combat Strategies
Oracle’s bid for PeopleSoft: The Strategic Fit
Pixar-Disney: Parting Ways
Sanofi-Synthelabo’s Growth Strategies
Sears-Kmart Merger: The Potential Synergies
Sony's Film Studios' Acquisitions: The Strategic Fit
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