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Case Studies on MNCs in India: The Competitive Strategies - Vol. I
Edited by : Rajendar Singh Rathore
ISBN : 978-81-314-2037-9
Price: $50 ( INR)
172 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
India is one of the world’s most promising and fastest-growing economies. Many MNCs entered to cash in on the exciting opportunities there. But overall, they have had a mixed performance. Many, who were remarkably successful elsewhere, have failed or are yet to succeed. Indian market poses special challenges due to its heterogeneity, in terms of economic development, income, religion, cultural mix and tastes. On top is the heating competition among local players as well as the leading MNCs. Not all companies have been struggling to understand Indian consumer behaviour. Doing business in India is at a turning point; market entry strategies, for example, that clicked once do not promise success every time.
Success in India will not happen overnight; companies need to have an open mind. This requires commitment, management drive and focus on long-term objectives, and proper business models too. They have to invest substantial financial and managerial resources to understand customer’s needs and come up with suitable products. This book, MNCs in India: The Competitive Strategies, examines their much-needed critical success factors. Through the experiences of some well-known MNCs in India, the book Case Studies on MNCs in India: The Competitive Strategies explores how they could key in rightly to benefit maximally while others could not.
Cases featured in this book
Cisco in India: India as a Resource to India as a Market
Costa Coffee in India
Dell in India: The Growth Strategies
Electrolux in India: Branding Blues
GE in India: The Growth Strategies
IBM’s Growth Strategies in India
LG: Rural Marketing in India
Managing Brand Reputation: The case of Coke, Pepsi and Cadbury in India
Metro in India: Fighting against odds
Pizza Hut in India
Samsung in India
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