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Case Studies on New Age Marketing– Vol. I
Edited by : Nusrath Jahan Maldar
ISBN : 81-314-0489-7
Price: $35 ( INR)
394 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
Marketing strategies serve as the fundamental underpinning of marketing plans designed to attain marketing objectives that have measurable results. A sound marketing strategy integrates an organisation's marketing goals, policies, and tactics into a cohesive whole. The objective of a marketing strategy is to provide a foundation from which a tactical plan is developed that enables the organisation to implement its mission effectively and efficiently. Every marketing strategy is unique, but discerning from individual strategies, each can be reduced to a generic marketing strategy. While few companies pioneer in developing new business models, others try to seek a sustainable competitive advantage either by diversifying their core businesses or by adopting aggressive marketing strategies.
The case studies featured in this book Case Studies on New Age Marketing Vol. 1 provides insights into understanding the marketing strategies adopted by various companies and the efforts made by them to overcome these challenges. Besides, it also helps in bridging the gap between theory and practice by facilitating an understanding of when and how to apply concepts and techniques of the management curriculum.
Cases featured in this book
Bharat Petroleum: Way Forward
Bikram Yoga: Doing Yoga the McDonald’s Way?
Branding – The Asian Dilemma
Cafe Coffee Day’s Expansion Strategies
Celebrity Endorsement – Through the Ages
Coke’s Promotional Themes: Tailored for Times
Dasani’s European Misadventure
Destination Dubai: Building a Brand
Electronic Arts vs. Take-Two Interactive: The Competitive Strategies in the US Videogame Market
European Football Clubs’ New Business Model: The Prospects and Perils
Expedia: The Changing Business Model
Film Merchandising: The Hollywood Style
Honda’s Eighth Generation Civic: The Competitive Strategies
ITC’s Branding Strategies
Nike’s New Discipline: Balancing creativity and Business Sense
Online Advertising: The Emerging Phenomenon
P&G’s Tremor – Reinventing Marketing by Word of Mouth
Pantaloon: Revolutionizing the Indian Retailing Industry
Samsung in India
Silk Soy Milk: The All-new Milk Substitute
Splenda: Leading the Tabletop Sweetener Market
StarWoods Hotels and Resorts Worldwide: Cross-Marketing Strategies
The Making of 'The Da Vinci Code': The Recipe for Blockbuster?
Vodafone’s 3G Technology: The Marketing Strategies
Wedding Services Business in India: Led by Entrepreneurs
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