Business Case Studies, Executive Interviews, Tamara J Erickson on Managing Troubled Times

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Tamara J Erickson on Managing Troubled Times

March 2009 - By Dr. Nagendra V Chowdary

Without doubt, the recession has reset the game board for Boomers. Options that appeared viable twelve months ago are now off the table for many. Ironically, the current economic crisis has made it both more necessary and more difficult for boomers to continue working past traditional retirement age than it was a year ago.
—Tamara J Erickson
Effective executive interview with Tamara J Erickson on Managing Troubled Times

Tamara J Erickson is a McKinsey Award-winning author and widely respected expert on organizations and innovation – on building talent and enhancing productivity – and on the nature of work in the intelligent economy. Her work is based on extensive research on the changing workforce and employee values and, most recently, on how successful organizations innovate through collaboration. As President of the nGenera Innovation Network, Tammy is currently directing a major research program on the practical realities of creating a next generation enterprise. Tammy has authored/co-authored numerous Harvard

Business Review articles, including “It’s Time to Retire Retirement,” winner of the McKinsey Award; an MIT Sloan Management Review article; and the book Workforce Crisis: How to Beat the Coming Shortage of Skills and Talent. She recently completed a trilogy of books on how individuals in specific generations can excel in today’s workplace – Retire Retirement: Career Strategies for the Boomer Generation and Plugged In: The Generation Y Guide to Thriving at Work were published in 2008. The third book, What's Next, Gen X? Keeping Up, Moving Ahead and Getting the Career You Want, will be available later this year. Her blog “Across the Ages” is featured weekly on HBSP Online (

Useful for Understanding of:

  • Current economic times arising out of US financial crisis
  • What Lessons should Countries, Companies and individuals draw from this unprecedented crisis?
  • “Collective Psychology” during troubled times
  • Key insights for building collaborative and Innovative organizations
Originally Published in Effective Executive, IUP
Effective Executive Reference No. 03M-2009-03-03-06
IBSCDC Reference No. INT0090
Year and Month of Publication March 2009
Keywords Tamara J Erickson, Current economic times arising out of US financial crisis, What Lessons should Countries, Companies and individuals draw from this unprecedented crisis?, “Collective Psychology” during troubled times, Key insights for building collaborative and Innovative organizations

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