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Case Studies on Enterpreneurship - Vol. I
Edited by : Priti Krishnan
ISBN : 81-314-0692-X
Price: $25 ( INR)
240 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
Entrepreneurs often bring to mind individuals who are innovative, dynamic, risk bearing, flexible and creative. Although every entrepreneur identifies an opportunity, utilises the available resources and converts the opportunity into reality, no two entrepreneurs share the same entrepreneurial style. While, some might follow the promoter`s style who takes advantage of an opportunity, irrespective of the resources available, others resemble the trustee`s style, for which resources are of prime importance in order to execute plans. Whatever the style, all entrepreneurs chase a dream of converting their vision into reality. Since entering the business dictionary, the way entrepreneurs matter has changed. Earlier entrepreneurship was restricted to only small businesses. But with the rise in the need for being innovative, many large firms have also imbibed the virtues of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship generates new ideas, employment and increases productivity. Moreover, with social entrepreneurs seeking practical solutions to social problems, entrepreneurship has evolved beyond just profit making.
Cases featured in this book
Arthur D Levinson
Biocon: The Indian Biotech Star
Bloomberg’s Growth: The Michael Bloomberg Factor
Carlos Slim: A Telecom Tycoon in the Making
Dean Kamen’s Technological Entrepreneurship
Donald J. Trump – Promoter Non Pareil
Indian Call Centers (A): Rising Employee Attrition
Li Ka-Shing- The New ‘Old’ Entrepreneur
Micro Finance: A Case of Grameen Bank, Bangladesh
Paul Newman – At the Vanguard of Business Philanthropy
Peter Georgiopoulos
Philip Green: UK’s Retail Baron
Robert E. Rubin: Executive Entrepreneur
Segway HT: Troubles and Challenges of the Revolutionary Human Transporter
Sim Wong Hoo - The Nimble Entrepreneur
Social Entrepreneurship: Serving the ‘Niche’ Business
UCSF – How Industry-Academia Interface Made It A Benchmark for Biomedical Innovation
Wilbur L Ross - The King of Restructurings in the Kingdom of Vulture Funds
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