Howard M Guttman on Building High Performance Teams, Business Management, Executive Interviews

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Howard M Guttman on Building High Performance Teams

May 2009 - By Dr. Nagendra V Chowdary

A great team is one on which every player is a leader. What makes such a team ‘great’ is that it is riveted on business results – not just on achieving the goals it has been given, but on continually raising the bar. A great team is anti-status quo.
—Howard M Guttman
Effective executive interview with Howard M Guttman on Speaks on Building High Performance Teams

Howard M Guttman is principal of Guttman Development Strategies, Inc. (GDS), a Mount Arlington, NJ-based management consulting firm specializing in building high-performance teams, executive coaching, strategic and organizational alignment, and project implementation ( GDS has been ranked #11 among Leadership Development consulting firms by Leadership Excellence magazine, which also named Guttman to its list of "Excellence 100 Top Thought Leaders." Among GDS's US and international clients are Calvin Klein; Chico's FAS, Inc.; Colgate-Palmolive; John Hancock; Johnson & Johnson; L'Oréal USA; Mars Inc.; Novartis; Pepsico; and Schering-Plough. Guttman is a frequent contributor to professional journals such as Harvard Management Update, Human Resource Executive, Chief Executive, and Leader to Leader. He is quoted frequently in the business press and in broad-interest magazines and newspapers such as TIME magazine, The Washington Post, US News and World Report, USA Today magazine, and Investors Business Daily.

His most recent book is Great Business Teams: Cracking the Code for Standout Performance (John Wiley;, named one of the Top 30 Business Books of 2008 by Soundview Executive Book Summaries. He is also the author of When Goliaths Clash: Managing Executive Conflict to Build a More Dynamic Organization. Guttman is a sought-after speaker who addresses corporate and academic audiences on such topics as “Great Business Teams: What Does It Take?”, “Conflict Management as a Core Leadership Competency,” “Putting Performance into High-Performance Teams,” “Executive Coaching: Lessons from the Firing Line,” and “Alignment: From Strategy to Implementation.”

Useful for Understanding of:

  • Great business team and how they are different from the ordinary business teams
  • Role of leadership for great business teams
  • Critical success factors of great teams
  • High performance teams and their characteristics
Originally Published in Effective Executive, IUP
Effective Executive Reference No. 03M-2009-05-08-06
IBSCDC Reference No. INT0100
Year and Month of Publication May 2009
Keywords Howard M Guttman, Great business team and how they are different from the ordinary business teams, Role of leadership for great business teams, Critical success factors of great teams, High performance teams and their characteristics

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