Executive Interviews: Interview with George Wright on Decision Making
May 2008
By Dr. Nagendra V Chowdary
George Wright Professor of Management at Durham Business School, UK.
Events in business never proceed
exactly as planned. Such intangibles
as friction, uncertainty, fluidity and
disorder complicate decision-making.
What is the cost of poor decisions?
How to avoid strategic errors in
decisions? This is where scenario thinking has a
role to play. You can plan for the
future but by that I don't mean a
best-guess future but a range of
plausible futures. The key is to have a
disciplined view of what the future
may hold and then reflect back on the
current success formula of the
organization what needs to change
to make the organization robust
against a range of plausible futures?
What adjustments need to bemade to
keep the airplane (i.e., the business
success formula) in the air under a
range of varied wind conditions (i.e.,
the scenarios)? To me, that is the
essence of excellent, future-focussed,
strategic thinking! Brutal competition, ethical strife,
unanticipated changes in
marketplace, technological shifts, and
a lingering recession, etc., can leave a
company battle worn. Accordingly,
many have advocated combat
philosophy, also known as maneuver
warfare, as it emphasizes action in the
midst of uncertainty. What lessons, if
any, should corporate leaders pick up
from warfare as regards business
decisions? For instance, the use of
speed, surprise and concentrated
force against an opponent's weakness
to achieve maximum impact with a
minimum resource commitment in
the presence of strategic uncertainty
and hostile intent, etc., are some of
the critical elements in maneuver
warfare. Should business decisionmakers
adopt these elements? The key, to me, is to think ahead. The
origins of scenario planning come
from warfare. Von Clausewitz and
von Moltke, two Prussian military
strategists wrote on scenarios in the
19th century. In World War II, General
Alan Brooke's actions have been
described as a natural scenario
planner. As Chief of the Imperial
General Staff commanding all British
and Empire forces, he was the
mastermind behind the allied forces
defeating Germany. Alan Brooke tried
to get inside the minds of the enemy,
to understand what actions they
might be expected to take. Generally,
his approach was directed towards
setting policy rather than tactics. I
agree with Alan Brooke to see into
the distance, to anticipate how events
may play out, that is the key to longterm
success in warfare. Decentralized decision-making is
described as the delegation of
significant decision-making authority
down through the ranks. The aim is
to give those closest to the action the
latitude to take advantage of on-thespot
information unavailable to their
superiors. What according to you is
the difference between decentralized
decision-making and delegation of
authority? When does decentralized
decision-making make sense? The concept of delegation makes
perfect sense but subordinate
decision-making must also be aligned
with the greater decisions. In the
Shell organization, one way that has
been used to create the alignment is
for topmanagers to prepare a scenario
book. The book is passed to all in the
organization and each small-scale
decision must be evaluated against
the pen-pictures of the future that are
encapsulated in the set of scenarios.
Small-scale decision should stand up
well against a range of scenario
futures. In this way, alignment at the
periphery can be achieved without
day-to-day monitoring. How important are counselors,
advisors and mentors in making
strategic decisions? Consultants are often used to facilitate
strategy away-days when the top
team assembles to consider strategy.
Facilitation is important otherwise
the CEO may speak of his planned
way forward and then next no-one
else is prepared to challenge this
statement. In effect, strategy awaydays
can become rituals without
providing fresh insights to the
assembled team. The key, from the
facilitator's perspective, is to ensure
challenge to strategy but without
individual participants losing face.
Emotions can rise and this, if
handled correctly, can drive the
insights in my experience! Jim Collins, in an article in
Fortune (June 27, 2005) distinguished
between bad decisions and wrong
decisions. What according to you is
the distinction between bad decisions
and wrong decisions? As I said earlier, a bad outcome to a
decision is not necessarily a bad thing.
By chance, bad outcomes happen in
risky decisions. Very few decisions are
completely risk-free. If they are, then
the range of alternatives evaluated is
probably too small and business-asusual
thinking is the name of the
game. But, in the long-run, businessas-
usual thinking is a losing strategy.
Nevertheless, inertia in strategy is
commonplace. In my experience,
many organizations fall into the inertia
trap without realizing it! There's enough literature on
decision-making styles and traits of
effective decision-makers. But, what
according to you are the prerequisites
for effective decision-making? The key to effective decision-making
is a sound process intuition about
the best course of action should be
subjected to challenge. Many
decision technologies can be used to
provide this challenge decision
analysis, scenario thinking, and
more. Intuition, once challenged,
often changes and this is where the
value-added occurs. Leaders should
not form early decisions and
premature closure on a decision
should be avoided otherwise
others, lower down the organization,
will not challenge the preformed
decision. Remember, a decision, once
made, is seldom reversed!
The Interview was conducted by Dr. Nagendra V Chowdary, Consulting Editor, Effective
Executive and Dean, IBSCDC, Hyderabad. This Interview was originally published in Effective Executive, IUP, May 2008. Copyright © May 2008, IBSCDC
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