Business Case Studies, HRM / OB Case Study, Telecommunting, teleworking

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HRM / OB Case Study

Case Title:

Telecommuting: A Perk or Prerequisite?

Publication Year : 2009

Authors: Vandana Jayakumar under the guidance Dr. Nagendra V Chowdary

Industry: General Business


Case Code: HRM0055

Teaching Note: Available

Structured Assignment: Available

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Is telecommuting an asset or a liability for organisations? ‘It depends’, is the typical answer. This case study enables an engaging discussion on this aspect. Also, what can be covered is a broader discussion on whether telecommuting should be looked at as a corporate strategy or a HR strategy. It is believed that by the end of 2009, almost 27.5% of workers in the US would be telecommuting. While the practice has become quite common in the west, it is still in its nascent stage in India. Several factors such as traffic congestions, environmental concerns and the call for work-life balance have necessitated the adoption of telecommuting practices. Factors such as technological advancements have also spurred the growth of telecommuting. However, what are the implications of telecommuting for organisations and employees? When does telecommuting as an HR practice make economic sense to organisations? The dilemma presented in the case is about the impact of telecommuting on organisational and employee productivity and the career prospects of telecommuters. It also triggers a debate on the feasibility of practicing telecommuting across various industries.

Pedagogical Objectives:

  • To understand the need and importance and critically evaluate the concept of telecommuting and debate on whether telecommuting should form a part of corporate strategy or HR strategy and what are the implications thereon
  • To debate on the impact of telecommuting on productivity and career prospects of telecommuters
  • To debate on the desirability and suitability of telecommuting across the industries and also discuss the challenges in implementing an effective and efficient telecommuting policy.

Keywords : Telecommunting, teleworking, Work from home, Flexible working Arrangement, Virtual Teams, Broadband Penetration, Carbon Footprint, Flexi0Working, Traffic Congestion, Internet, VPN, Mobile Working Vodeo Conferenceing, Global Wamring


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  • Technological Innovations Supporting Telecommuting
  • Environment and Energy Conservation with Telecommuting
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