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HRM / OB Case Study

Case Title:
Competency Mapping at‘The Kolkata Glory’
Publication Year : 2009
Authors: Vandana Jayakumar, Dr. Nagendra V. Chowdary
Industry: Services
Case Code: HRM0062
Teaching Note: Available
Structured Assignment: Not Available
The market place of the 21st century is fraught with numerous challenges. As competitionincreases day by day, there is tremendous pressure on organisations to exploit theirresources to the maximum to achieve success. Among others, the human resource is alsounder pressure as organisations expect their employees to work to their highest potential.Under such circumstances, competency mapping can be of help both for the employerand the employee. This case study was written to develop an understanding on the conceptof competency mapping. What is competency mapping? Why should companies employcompetency mapping?
Competency mapping helps companies achieve competitive advantage by identifying andbridging the gap between the competencies that an employee possesses and the competenciesthat he is expected to have to perform the job efficiently. For instance, the hotel industry (alabour-intensive industry) needs constant upgradation of competencies to remain competitive.Competency mapping gains significance under such circumstances. However, it is debatableif competency mapping can help achieve competitive advantage across various industries.Nevertheless, competency mapping comes across as an important HR tool as seen in thecase of ‘The Kolkata Glory’, a 5-star hotel where competency mapping was carried out forthe concierge.
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To highlight the need and importance of the concept of competency management
- To analyse and critically evaluate the concept of competency mapping and also to debateon the ‘relative’ relevance of competency mapping across industries and different typeof businesses
- To understand the relationship between competencies and the critical success factors forthe hotel industry.
Keywords : Competency Mapping, Competency Management, Skills Charting, Competency, Competencies, Competency Models, Competency Assessment, Competency Life-Cycle, Job Analysis and Design, Competency based Analysis, Job Description, Training and Development
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