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HRM / OB Case Study

Case Title:
Employee Engagement Employer and Employee’s Delight
Publication Year : 2009
Authors: Debahuti Kashyap Girija P and Deepti Srikanth
Industry: General Business
Case Code: HRM0064
Teaching Note: Available
Structured Assignment: Available
The million-dollar question for every employer is how to get every employeeengaged and rally them around a common vision. Employee engagement is acritical factor that contributes for employer-employee alignment, which finallyleads to increased productivity. However, instilling a ‘sense of belongingness’ inits employees is not an easy feat for any organisation. An engaged employee isan asset for the organisation that in turn tries to foster employee engagement orbelongingness for a company in the employee. The case study deals with questionslike what inspires an employee to be engaged in his/her work. Is there a humanresource perspective to motivate employees for such commitment? What is thedifference between an engaged employee and a committed employee or are thetwo same? Should there be a difference between the HR practices to retain anemployee and the HR practices to engage an employee? Even if the companyintends to engage what would be their limitations in doing so?
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To analyse the significance of employee engagement in companies
- To discuss the linkage between employee engagement and employeeempowerment
- To discuss and differentiate the employee engagement best practices in themanufacturing and services sector
- To highlight the role of leadership for ensuring employee engagement as aworkable proposition To debate on the applicability of employee engagement across the differenttypes of businesses – sole proprietorship, listed companies, private companies,family businesses, etc.
Keywords : Employee Engagement, Employee Engagement Strategies, Nucor, Empowerment, ANZ bank, Taj Terror Attack, Rio Jinte Aluminium, Employee Engagement Survey, Decentralization, Gallup Consulting, Leadership, work-Life Balance, Recession, Authority, NGO, General Electric
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