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Case Title:

BP’s Deepwater Disaster (B): Gulf of Mexico’s Spillover


BP, one of the largest oil companies of the world was headed for more success and even larger profits when in 2010, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill happened. This spill may be BP's largest disaster, but certainly not it's first. The case study, throws light on BP's mishap history and debates on what could have been done to avoid them. It also attempts to study the reasons for BP's Gulf of Mexico's oil spill and the extent of damage done to the company. Further, it discusses the nature of leadership required to manage such crises. Is BP's oil spill response commendable? Will BP survive this crisis and how far is Tony Hayward, BP's CEO, responsible?

Pedagogical Objectives:

  • To understand the nature and causes of BP’s oil spill mishaps over the decades and debate on what could have been done to avoid them; especially looking at it and debating whether the adequate organisational capabilities have been put in place or not to have avoided the impending dangers?
  • To study the reasons for BP’s Gulf of Mexico’s oil spill mishap and understand the extent of damage done to the company; and also to debate on the efficiency of BP’s response and discuss the nature of leadership required to manage such crises.

Keywords: Gulf of Mexico’s oil spill, BP’s Oil Spill, Largest Oil Spill in US, Halliburton, Transocean, Deep Water Horizon Oil Rig, Tony Hayward, Leadership in Crisis, PR in Crisis, Crisis Communication, Oil Industry, Mishaps in Oil Industry, BP’s Major Mishaps, Environmental Damage due to Oil Spill, Biggest Oil Spills

Course:   Strategy

Concept:  Corporate Communication / Crisis Management

Industry:  Academics

Key Focus:  BP’s Handling of Gulf of Mexico’s Oil Spill

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