Business Case Studies, Organizational Behavior Case Study, Strategy, Competitive Strategies Case Studies

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Your search by Center Name "Hyderabad" fetched 3777 results...

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Starbucks Suffers: Schultz Returns
Swissair's 'Hunter' Strategy and the 'Grounding': The Lessons
Bob Nardelli at Chrysler: Can he do a Lee Iacocca?
Korean Air: Chairman & CEO, Cho Yong-Ho's Radical Transformation
Robert Nardelli: Driving Chrysler off the Road?
Luxury Industry in Turbulent Times
Starbucks in US: Too Much Coffee Spilling All Over?
Transnational Alliances in Civil Aviation
EADS: The Evolution and Growth of the European Aircraft Manufacturing Alliance
Apple and Intel’s Alliance: From Competition to Cooperation
Fiat and GM: The Troubled Alliance
Breaking Alliance with Fiat: Gain for GM?
Samsung vs Sony: The Competitive Collaboration
Sony-BMG Joint Venture: Lessons from a Dis-Jointed venture
Alliances in Automobile Industry: From Fiat-GM to Fiat-Ford
Strategic Alliances in the Automobile Industry (A): The Example of Fiat-GM
Google vs (D) Google’s Alliance Strategy in China
Strategic Alliances in automobile Industry (B): The Fialt-GM Alliance
Strategic Alliances in automobile Industry (C): The Fialt-GM Alliance
Kingfisher Airlines– Jet Airways Alliance: Competitors Turned Collaborators
Slumdog Millionaire (A): Accolades and Acrimonies
Avon Product Inc. – Redesigning its Supply Chain
Transnet, The State-owned South African Transport and Logistics Group: Maria Ramos' Turnaround Strategies
P&G's Logistics Revolution: Co-creating Value
DAIEI vs AEON: Contrasting Retailing Strategies of the Japanese Retailers
Wells Fargo’s Cross selling Strategies
Film Merchandising: The Hollywood Style
Retailing: The ‘Target’ Way
Shoprite: South African Retailer’s Growth Strategies
Avon: Direct Selling in China
Sunoco Inc., The Philadelphia Refiner: The Refining and Retailing Strategies
National Australia Bank in UK: Cross-Selling Strategies
The Otto Group: Germany's Leading Private Retailer's Multi-channel Sales Strategy
VF Corp.: The World's Largest Apparel Maker's Retail Expansion Strategies
Ronda ‘Water Management’ Experiment–WorldWater (Philippines) Inc.
Micro Credit – Case of Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Micro Finance: A Case of Grameen Bank, Bangladesh
Paul Newman – At the Vanguard of Business Philanthropy
Social Entrepreneurship: Serving the ‘Niche’ Business
Aravind Eye Hospitals: A Case in Social Entrepreneurship
You're viewing 41 to 80 of 3777 results...

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