Business Case Studies, Organizational Behavior Case Study, Strategy, Competitive Strategies Case Studies

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Your search by Center Name "Hyderabad" fetched 3777 results...

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PCCW: Hong Kong's Integrated Communication Company's Growth Strategies
Changes in the Global Advertising Industry: From Mass Market Advertising to In-Store Advertising
Ascertaining Customer Satisfaction
Destination Dubai: Building a Brand
AmorePacific: Creating Global Brands
Louis Vuitton: The Making of a Star Brand
GIORGIO ARMANI’S Growth Strategies
Managing Brand Reputation: The case of Coke, Pepsi and Cadbury in India
Electrolux in India: Branding Blues
James Bond – A Meta Brand?
Branding – The Asian Dilemma
Brand Extensions – The Marico Way
Corporate Co-Branding: Case of Yum! Brands, Inc.
Internal Branding: The i-flex way
ITC’s Branding Strategies
Master of Wine: Creating a Unique Brand
Burger King-Revitalizing the Brand
GAP and Banana Republic – Changing Brand Strategies with Fashion
Real Madrid: From A Football Club To A Media Brand
Puma: Reclaiming its Pride
Dubai Duty Free: Promotion and Expansion
AMD's Growth Strategy
Mattel Inc.’s Barbie: Brand Merchandising Strategies
Oscar's Brand Equity: At the Crossroads?
Private Labels in Europe: Potential Threats for Brands?
Samsonite: The US Luggage Manufacturer's Branding Strategies
France Telecom's 'Orange': Renaissance of a Brand and Rebranding Strategies
National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School: Christopher Earley's Brand Building Strategies
C&C's Bulmers and Magners Brand: The Irish Drinks Company's Brand Repositioning Strategies
PPR's Balenciaga Brand: The Turnaround
MG Rover,the Fall of an Iconic Brand The Blame Game Continues
Harley-Davidson Making the Cult Brand and After
Cadbury Schweppes' Beverage Business: Brand Unification and the Dilemmas
Hyundai’s Global Branding Strategies
Global Branding Strategies of LG Electronics
Ford's Lincoln: The Re-branding Strategies
Tesco, UK’s Largest Group in US: Brand Building Strategies
Wal-Mart's Brand Identity: Lee Scott's Reinvention
Bank of Baroda: The Re-branding Strategies
Apex-Pal International Ltd, Singapore-based Food and Beverage Company: Founder CEO, Douglas Foo's Brand Building Strategies
You're viewing 1161 to 1200 of 3777 results...

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