Business Case Studies, Organizational Behavior Case Study, Strategy, Competitive Strategies Case Studies

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Your search by Center Name "Hyderabad" fetched 3775 results...

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Estée Lauder: The Family-Owned Cosmetic Manufacturer's Growth Strategies
The Reliance Group Split-up: What Went Wrong with the Indian Conglomerate?
Nordstrom: The Fourth Generation Expansion Strategies
Women Leaders in Fashion Business Yves Saint Laurent’s (YSL) Valerie Hermann
Mahindra & Mahindra (A): Transformation of an Indian Family Business into a globaly Competitive Firm
Mahindra & Mahindra (B): An Emerging Global Giant?
Crunching Munch Time A Little
Made in India
Moser Baer, the Indian Optical Media Giant’s Techno-Marketing Strategies: Would the FMCG Way Pay Off?
The Godrej Group: An Indian Family-owned Business Conglomerate’s Re-branding Strategies
Chilean Pension Model
French Bailouts
Credit Card Debt in Britain
Chaebol Reforms
South Korea’s Chaebol
City Academies in Britain
Labour Unions in South Korea
China’s FDI Outflows
Eli Lilly’s Cialis – A Rising Star
Funding Crisis in Britain’s Universities
Mahatir Mohammad and the Malaysian Economy
“Melting Delicacies” Ice Cream Parlour Chain
A Study of Soap Segment in Indian FMCG Market
Russia: Taming the Oligarch?
Bailout of LG Card Company
New Work-Time Regulations: Is Britain Ready?
Mad Cow Disease and USDA’s Response
Japanese Universities – The Challenges Ahead
Canada: A Hotbed of Telemarketing Frauds
Chinese Economy – Structural Problems and Bank Overlending
Rein in Spam
American BPO backlash: The Highs and Lows
Business Environment in China
Chinese State-Owned Enterprises: The Challenges
American Pension Funds’ Fiasco: The Bailout
China: Importing Commodities and Exporting Inflation?
China’s Credit Tightening: Impact on Small & Medium Enterprises
China’s Credentials as a Market Economy
Rigid German Labor Laws: The Business Migration
Broadband: South Korea Vs. US
You're viewing 1361 to 1400 of 3775 results...

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